Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Can you believe Evan is 1!!!

We had a fun Birthday! My mom flew out and enjoyed it with us. She has been to each one of the kids first birthday parties. The above was taken on the 14th....his REAL Birthday. He was so sick, poor guy was just miserables...he would just cry and cry....and that is just not our typical Evan. The rest are from the day that we actually had his BD party. The 17th. As you can tell, he was just starting to get better.

He dedided he was done and took off over the presents onto something else.

He loved the cake...but not the ice cream.


Kimra Bham said...

Happy Birthday to little Evan! He's so sweet :)

the Jungsts and their youngsters said...

Happy, happy 1st birthday, Evan! I can't believe how quickly it goes! He's oh-so-adorable!

Jerome Alona said...

It's a "BIG-ONE"! Happy Birthday lil' man ... (and a pinch to grow an inch)

Ranisa said...

Thanks everyone! He needs that pinch to gain some weight!!!