Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Baby #5!

I can normally see things in ultra sound pictures. Circle and a blob is what I see here. So does not look like a baby! BUT it is!!!! I am calling it my complicated blessing right now. I had the verbal okay to get pregnant from both my new dermatologist and new oncologist. Then I went to see the new oncologist and apparently the melanoma that I had over the summer was much more aggressive than he originally thought. If he had know that he would NOT have given me the okay to get pregnant. I can't do scans or anything being pregnant. He also is requesting that my pathology slides be sent to the best melanoma lab in Pennsylvania. Once again I could use some thoughts and prayers. Hoping that the original diagnosis of those four cells that were in the lymph node just being basic mole cells still remains the same. I had the first OB visit yesterday. Everything is looking great from that end. The little heartbeat was so tiny, but made it all so real. I have been nauseous and VERY tired. A tad bit crabby too.


The Grush's said...

Wow! This is a surprise. I hope everything goes well and that the cancer is no problem.

Kelli said...

Congrats Ranisa!!! Having a baby is such a blessing and I pray that everything goes well! (and I like how you called the baby she)

Ranisa said...

I have been thinking she...but I didn't say it.

Cammy Patton said...

Hurrah! You will definitely be in our prayers. We are so excited for you and your family!

Kimra Bham said...

Wow! I am so shocked, because last I heard you could not get pregnant- what an exciting and terrifying thing all at once. You are in our prayers that all will be well!! I'm very excited for you, though :) How far along are you?

the Jungsts and their youngsters said...

Congratulations, Ranisa! This is very exciting and I hope there are no hiccups and things go as smoothly as possible! Please keep us updated and call if you need to talk!

Stephanie Williams said...

Very excited about the baby and not so much about the oncologist!! Prayers are going out your way!! Let me know if we can help in any way!!

Jeana said...

P.s Ranisa could i have your recipe for orange chicken? It sounds really good.

Jeana said...

I guess my last post didn't work Sorry . can't remember what i said.

Julie said...

Congrats Ranisa! Another baby boom ;). Hope all goes well for you and the little bean.

Kim L said...

Congrats Ranisa!! You can count on our prayers and good hopes for a healthy baby and mommy. Good luck and hopefully this blessing can uncomplicate itself with some time. :)