Thursday, April 14, 2011

Cuddling on the floor

Orange Julius anyone?

See that mustache!?!?! MMmmmm YUM! Homemade Orange Julius. He loves it!

6 oz. Frozen OJ concentrate

1 cup milk

1 cup water

1/2 cup sugar

1 tsp vanilla

8-9 ice cubes

mix it all up in the blender. I like more ice. Don't try it with regular already made OJ and then adding more ice....I just doesn't work. Trust me I know. I have heard that you can replace 1/2 of the regular sugar with powdered sugar and it makes it creamier. Haven't tried it. I like it better than the Orange Julius in the mall....or at least better than the last half a dozen times I have purchased it...they just make it too watery. Hope you enjoy.

Izzy had a Birthday!