Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Call from the Doctor

Today is the day that I found out I DO NOT HAVE CANCER ANYMORE! Yippie! I wonder if I will remember August 5, 2010 for the rest of my life. I sure do remember July 21st, but this is an even better day.

Here is what the doctor had to say when she left her message...
"Ranisa, hi its Dr. "B" Hi how are you? Listen I got your stuff back from Mayo Clinic, it is all good news. So I just thought I would call and let you know they did not think that it is in the lymph nodes and I will give you a copy of the report tomorrow when I see you. But I had to call and let you know. Alright take care and I will see you guys tomorrow."

I missed the call!!! The phone rang when we were eating dinner with some friends and I panicked...."get the phone, it might be the doctor!". Somehow that phone call got messed up and we weren't able to answer it, but Kris flipped through caller-ID and noticed that the doctor had called 2 hours earlier. I was frantic, after listening to the message I AM SO EXCITED!!!!

I was wondering how I was going to tell the blog world about it, I wanted to post a picture of myself and say something about this being the face of a cancer free gal...but I didn't shower today! So you get to share in our excitement without seeing my super happy grin! PLEASE GET YOUR MOLES CHECKED!!!!


Stephanie Williams said...

That is so so awesome. Mike and I are so relieved! So happy for you guys!

Billi Jo said...

Prayer is a wonderful thing! Great to know we all got the answer we were hoping for. Congratulations you cancer-free, shower-free happy gal!!

Julie said...

Thanks for sharing the wonderful news!

Kelli said...

so glad to hear this Ranisa!

Cammy Patton said...

Great news! Hurray!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that you are cancer-free! God bless you and your family!