Thursday, March 11, 2010

10 year anniversary

10 years! WOW! 10 years. We can't believe it either. I wonder if there were people that gave a number of years? We joke around and say "we are celebrating the fact that we made it to 10 years without killing each other". Yes we think we will make it another 10, and another and another.....We are truly very different people, but we did it and I think that we are both pretty happy. So this is the only picture of us on our wedding day that I could find on the computer. I have little book of a bunch of them, but this one somehow got scanned in to the computer at one point or another. We did go and celebrate. Long story but we ended up in Chicago. We had a good time. Thanks mom for coming out to watch the kids!


Elizabeth Cranmer said...

You two are so cute!!

I haven't been here forever!! So sorry! Looks like life is still going great in your neck of the woods, kids growing etc.

Miss ya!