Sunday, February 22, 2009

Being a better parent

Parenting is hard...and I mean HARD! Recently we have struggled with the girls getting out of bed at night...okay not recently the girls in general like to get out of bed. The first thing that we tried was stickers...if you stay in bed you get a sticker. It worked.....for only a few nights, and after that stickers where not a big deal at all. Then we learned that there needed to be something attached to the stickers. It was suggested that we use a family movie night on Friday night. Have the kids get ready for bed like normal and then we all get to have stay up for a movie. At first I didn't want to implement this. I just knew that Izzy would be the one to get out of bed and lose Family Movie Night. I don't want my kids any of my kids to miss out on stuff like that. Don't you think that would just suck?! BUT I do realize that is how they learn. So last Friday night we had family movie night. I wanted to make sure that they understood what Family Movie Night meant. I however am a HUGE stickler on bedtime. So we didn't do the get for ready bed and stay up and watch a movie.....we just watched a movie after dinner together. It was Underdog. We make sure that it is something new. Now that kids now what Family Movie Night is they are way excited to get a sticker on the Family Movie Night chart. When they get all the boxes filled up they get to watch the movie on the next Friday. So much for Friday night date night for Kris and I. We are going to have to pick another day of the week to go out on. I know that it will be hard to not allow one of the kids to watch a movie with everyone else...but how else do you make things stick? YOU FOLLOW THROUGH.....


Anonymous said...

Great idea! Good luck. It will be very hard to follow thru, but it will be worth it in the end.

Love ya,
Billi Jo

Elizabeth Cranmer said...

We have totally bribed our kids with movies before too. ALthough I think your method has more follow through to it.

Evan is working on a chart for good behavior to get a computer game at the moment. He's stuck on the 3rd box of 5 boxes. I hope that he make sit to the end.

Sounds like you have everything under control!