All of the kids together on Halloween right before Trick or Treating. I got Evans costume make about 15 minutes before it was time to head out! I love that the time hasn't changed yet and they where able to start when it was still light out.
Friday, October 31, 2008
A few happy things on Halloween!
Posted by Ranisa at 6:26 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Life over the past 2 weeks!
First let me say that I just can't even believe that it has been 2 weeks! I know I know everyone is just dying to see more pics! So here is what has been happening in our lives lately......I am a true housewife. I got a laundry room cabinet (FINALLY!!!) I really could just sit in there and stare at it. Yes I have been waiting almost 2 years....but they are expensive! It is really hard for me to spend that much money on stuff. I really could have had it the Christmas that we moved into the house but I decided that wanted a really big cabinet type thing to hold my stamping stuff instead. So...Uncle Mike picked up the cabinets and it took Kris and him over 3 hours to put them in. I am beginning to think that getting Kris and Mike together to do anything might not be such a great idea......they always end up making it more of an adventure than it should be. Or maybe this time it is just because there doesn't seem to be a straight wall in this house. No really I am very very grateful for Uncle Mike and his expertize in the cabinet area. Don't they look great? Now I will be able to take all the stuff that is normally stacked on the dryer and hide it behind the doors. The funniest thing is that Kris and I love the smell in there......clean wood smell.
A little early to be posting Halloween pics.....last Saturday night we had our Trunk or Treat at church. We really didn't know if we would be able to go or not. I didn't even have Evans costume ready. Or even the material to make the costume purchased. He is going to be a football. Ever heard of post-pardem bed rest....well that is me. I am so restless, I really do feel fine, but I was bleeding pretty heavy so the docs office told me to be queen for the weekend and lay in bed only getting up to eat, feed the baby, and go to the bathroom. I suck to the couch for most of the weekend. BUT I am just getting so antsy to do stuff. I really do understand the concept behind taking it easy after having a baby but really I have never HAD to do that.
Either he thinks Kris is weird or he is loading the diaper....AGAIN!
So happy!
My mom was here for 10 days so that she could help out and watch the kids while I was in the hospital. So nice. We were taking pics of here with the kids and Kris decided that he was going to be part of it. I was asked to be in the pic but yes I am really vain and I hadn't showered yet so I was not in the mood to have my picture taken.
I have been meaning to post the time line for delivery and things but I just get everything so mixed up in head. We got to the hospital at about 9. We went in through the ER and it was weird, instead of stopping to ask how to get the 5th floor Kris decides that he know the way and just takes off going down the hallway.....we then find an elevator only to be stopped by security and told that none of the elevators work because they are having a fire alarm. We ask if it is just a drill and he didn't know. This hospital was such a maze. Half of the elevators don't go to all the floors and some only go up so high. We ended up having to walk up some stairs and take a couple of hallways and we got to the right place. BUT don't ask anyone to go there without a guided map! I ended up getting pitocine at about 12, and contractions started a half hour later or so. They weren't too bad to start with, but she would up the dose and things would get so crazy so the nurse would drop it back down and my contractions would subside a bit. I got an epidural at about 3am. The nurse ended up being in the room the entire time getting things set up. Nothing seemed to be working right. There was no oxygen in the tank for the baby, once she got it replaced there was an alarm that keep going off relating the oxygen thing. The contraction monitor didn't work it. She switched it out a a couple of times. It was kind of funny that when I would have a contraction the line on the monitor didn't go up it went down. The doctor came in at 5:30 I am guessing and I still wasn't dilated past a 2, he broke my water....which I am sure there was somewhat of a small hole in it anyhow....the nurses had shift change at 7 and I had been feeling really sick all night. I had rubber legs, the epidural seemed way strong. I pushed the call button to get the nurse to see if I could take something for the nausea and to see if she could lower to dose of the epidural. She gave me something for the nausea and suggested that I wait until I am ready to push to reduce the epidural. She changed out the contraction monitor again and then figured that the only thing left was to check me to see if I had progressed at all. As soon as she did she said that she had to run and get the doctor. On the way out the door she called 2 other nurses in the help her get stuff set up. The doctors comes in and starts to take apart the bed and I guess the babies head was about out....he keep saying "hold on sweetie, hold on sweetie" just looking at me as things were happening. At one point I said "Just get your gloves on and catch" he seems a frazzled that things where happening so fast. He did mange to get his smock partly on and the gloves on. As he was delivering Evan the nurse came in behind him and pulled the smock up and tied it in the back. I think I gave a half push and the baby was here. Nice. This is how things should be for everyone.
Posted by Ranisa at 3:08 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Poop, Poop, Poop and more Poop
I have been wanting to blog about the delivery but I need to get all the things in the right time line before I much happened so fast. So instead I have a poop story....I remember all of these details! Evan was in the swing and started to squawk....yes he squawks and then when you pick him up he grunts. I squish his diaper and he needs to be changed. I take him over to the the pack n' play and change his diaper get all dressed again and I pick him up and have him in front of my face talking to him and lets it go! It came out with such let me tell you my dad tells a story of me missing the diaper but hitting the (the poop) did get in the diaper but it really, I kid you not, came out with such force that it bounce off the bottom of the diaper and went straight up his back. At this point I had to laugh. My fingers that were along his back got wet and that is when I knew that we had our first official blow-out. This was going to be fun. I get him upstairs where all the clothes are. I figure that would be important part of this be by the clothes. I keep a towel on my bed so that when he nurses at night if anything dribbles I am not sleeping it, it lands on the towel. So I grab the towel and lay him down.....and another towel and lay it down beside the one that I have him on. Knowing that there will be poop on the towel that he is currently laying on.....I must have something clean for him lay on while getting him know just in case. Elaine comes upstairs to bring me a pacifier in hopes of getting him calmed down. Do you know how hard it is to change a newborns diaper when they have their little legs kinked up and their feet are at just the right spot to land in the patty. Well, it isn't easy. With a pacifier in his mouth and Elaine holding his hands together we manged to get things taken care of. She really has this things with him and getting him calmed down. I get the onsie on and as I am snapping the bottom of it shut he goes again! YES again (yes that was 1 pee, 1 pooh downstairs, then another upstairs). So we unsnap the onsie, get another diaper change it, and before I have this new #3 change done........yes you guess it AGAIN! By this time Kris is out of the bathroom and suggested that I make sure that I wait until he is done this time. He is so smart!! As if I didn't think that he was done! So I let Kris take over so that I have time go and blog about all the poop before the baby has to eat again......and the entire cycle starts over. When done he had brought 3 poopy diapers downstairs to throw away. One thing that I am very grateful for.......there was no poohing happening when there wasn't a diaper on! YES!!! Know that is something to be excited about!
Posted by Ranisa at 3:47 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
More of Baby. Plus we have a name!!!
Posted by Ranisa at 12:48 AM 5 comments
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
HE'S HERE!!!! :-D
Posted by Ranisa at 8:53 AM 5 comments
Monday, October 13, 2008
Going to Hospital
We are going to the hospital tonight to be induced! I am sure that I will be posting pictures tomorrow!!! Wish us luck! I actually think that I am in labor now.....but then again I have never done this before on my own so I am really not for sure.
Posted by Ranisa at 6:46 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 10, 2008
Quilt give-a-way
Many of you know that I just love is another quilt give-a-way done by Liz Cranmer. Great gal. Isn't it just great.....I love the flowery viney thing on it. She is very talented. You can check out her blog about the quilt here . Check it out.....
Posted by Ranisa at 4:45 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Belly Shot
Posted by Ranisa at 4:54 PM 1 comments
Monday, October 6, 2008
I feel so loved!
This is the only football game of Drew's that I will make it to. I was on bed rest part of the time, sick, one week was cancelled because of was so cute. I felt bad....I had to leave in the middle of it just to use the bathroom, and the car was so much closer than walking to the school that we got back in the car drove home....yes just so I could pee! Lazy, I know.
Here is Elaine playing around with Drew and Izzy before the game started.....I love this pic......doesn't it look like she just caught a great pass......I actually think that she was fooling around and I just happened to snap the picture.
I didn't get a pic of Izzy playing football but the girls made sure that I got pictures of the clovers that they were picking from the grass as we were trying to watch the game.
This was Saturday mornings surprise! Can you guess?.......peanut M&M's, Mozzarella cheese.....(yes it did have a stench) and I think there was Hersey's Nugget! Good chocolate going to waste! My big worry was that it was on the least they haven't figured out how to turn the stove on. I think I need to go those protector thing.
This past weekend was General Conference for Church. For those that don't the first weekend in April and October we have "TV Church". It is broad casted over cable, Dish network, and some other companies. We can go to the church building to watch it or stay at home. We have always had a monkey bread type of thing as kind of a tradition before or durning conference....I took the idea from the Brice's. Saturday I was craving a good omelet.....AND Kris happens to make GREAT ones!!! I also recently found out that he really isn't too fond of the Monkey Bread. So this was breakfast on Sunday. Let me say it was YUMMY!!!! I had Sausage, green and red peepers, mushroom, tomatoes, and cheese. I am craving another just thinking about it. Of course mine had to be cooked last because Kris didn't want to cook anything after 'fungus" was in the pan. I love mushrooms! Yes I did it all, minus a couple of the inside things feel out onto the plate.....maybe that is why I am still gaining weight. I really normally do at the end of my pregnancy....I mean I pack it on. BUT this time as been different...I didn't gain much at all the past few weeks....until last week....4 lbs in one week!!!! Yes 4!!!! BUT I didn't break the record! Don't ask.
This really made me feel loved. I was sitting in on the computer sending am email and the door bell rang.....which is weird we just don't get visitors this time of the evening. The dog didn't even go nuts like he normally does.....on the porch was a plate of very DELICIOUS cupcakes with orange frosting....this Ghost and a note that said:
"Happy Halloween
You've been "Ghosted"!!!
The "Ghost of Halloween" has visited your house.
Enjoy your treats! With the next 24 hours you must
"Ghost" someone else in the ward. Post the "Ghost"
on your front door until Halloween. This will ward off
the "Ghost" return.
When you deliver your treats, be sure to leave these
instructions along with the "Ghost's" picture. It is
important that you deliver your treats secretly to a home that does not have a
"Ghost" posted. Have a fun
and share the Halloween spirit!"
Isn't this just the cutest!!!!
Posted by Ranisa at 7:57 PM 1 comments
Thursday, October 2, 2008
The mystery pictures!!!
I love white towels.......I however do not like white towels that my kids have used to clean up Oreo's that have been soaked in milk. They become mush.....gross, gooey........think it is going to stain? Let me know what kind of things you guys have all tried to get stains white towels are getting so messed up.
Posted by Ranisa at 4:34 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
I hope they don't call him four eyes!
Posted by Ranisa at 3:22 PM 2 comments