Monday, June 2, 2008

The logic of boys

Do you boys always think like this, or is it just Drew? I mean just think about the turn of events here and realize it is very logical, but Drew tends to be a bit of a different thinker. Saturday all the kids played outside and did a bunch of different things....sometime during the day Drew bumped his head. Later on that evening he ended up with a fever and of course we gave him medicine to bring it down. Fast forward a few more hours he is in bed and has thrown up. You have to understand that Drew has never talked much, just recently has he started to speak well and tell events or stories or even explain things to us. This morning we had an interesting conversation....

Me: "Drew are you feeling better?"
Drew: "Yeah I'm feeling better...." then he think for a couple of seconds and says "I bumped my head (pointing to his head), I got a fever (holding his head), then you gave me medicine and my fever went down my head down my neck and came out of my mouth (rushing his hand down the side of his head down his neck and then out the side of his mouth)!"

I just about laughed out loud! I had to at least snicker....what logic. I know this might sound silly but I was really excited that he was putting the chain of events together-even if it it was wrong at least he putting things together.....which is a start.


lance, miss, my, & finn said...

haha, I love the way kids explain things! that's great that drew's talking more.:)