So last week we came across FlavorIce and Kris brought the box, and I thought that was crazy-what do we need more popciles for? He has been eating them like crazy and I had none....until last night. I get so overheated that I eat my way through a box of popciles faster than anyone can believe. I had to have a bit of one of Kris' last night and I didn't stop....I ended up eating a few before bed. So much better for you than the Kit Kat bars. I remember loving them as a kid, but never really thinking of them much as an adult. I like slushing things and not frozen things. Kris bangs them against the side of fridge until they are slushy......I never thought of that, and now I am bashing them against the fridge too! PERFECT! I really think I had one of each flavor last night.... I just can't seem to get enough of Kit Kat bars lately. Everyone knows that I love candy, but this is new intense thing for me. I LOVE them. It is my new craving and I can't seem to get enough! I have always had a thing for chocolate, but the wafer things is what is getting me now. I know that this too will pass but for now and I am really enjoying it. AND over wonder I am packing it on!
Last week was an interesting week for school stuff. Right before it started I mentioned to Kris that I was freaking out, having anxiety problems and such. I kept asking myself these ridiculous questions. "What happens if one of the kids gets hurt at recess? What happens if they walk in front of the bus? What happens if Drew doesn't know where to get off the bus?" Random random questions, but still I was really truly fearful of these things happening to the kids. Well, every single one of the things that I listed has happened.
On the second day of school Elaine comes home and I great her at the door-she has what can only be described as road rash from her eyebrow to hairline above her left eye. I freak out asking "What happened?" She says "There is a note in my backpack that explains it." As if it is no big deal. So I rush to check out the backpack and the only note in there isn't about how she got hurt but how to take care of a child with a concussion. HELLO! ELAINE! I ask her what happened again, and this time with a snotty attitude she says "I told you that note would explain it." After a bit a of pushing and explaining that the only thing that the note said was how to take care of a child who had a concussion was she willing to explain what actually did happen. I guess she was just swinging too high on the wings and fell off.....onto the mulch but the much had moved and it was exposing the mat that is under the mulch. So really no big deal we got over it quick and you can hardly tell that she had mat rash just a few days ago.
The next morning I am at my Stampin' Up club meeting and I call from the school nurse on my cell. Drew has been hurt and has a cut over his eye. Here is the conversation:
School Nurse: "Hi I have Drew here in my office, he ran into a poll in the hallway and has a cut above his eye, we have put ice on it........etc...."
Me: "Do I need to come and get him and take him to get stitches?"
SN: "No, he is doing fine, he never cried about it, and he is laughing." (Anyone who knows Drew I am sure can picture this in there head, Drew really would think it was just the coolest thing to go to the nurses office.)
Me: "Does he want to go back to class?"
SN: "Yes, I think he does."
Me: "Well, with you being a nurse, is it safe for him to go back to class?"
SN: "Oh I think so."
Me: "Great! Send him back!"
There was more to the conversation....basically laughing at the fact that she had both of my kids in her office in the first 3 days of school.
Elaine likes to walk down the middle of the street. The bus driver is tired of this! He told her yesterday that if she does it again he is writing her up. What does that mean? Has anyone ever heard the bus driver writing you up? Does she get detention for it? So I guess that answers my question, if one of the kids walks in front of the bus-the driver yells at them. I can handle that, I am glad that he is paying attention to where the kids are once they get off the bus.
And of course we know what happens when Drew doesn't get off of the bus-they bring him back! I love that each of my questions was answered with simple things and not the dramatic ones that I was coming up with in head.
Last week I had another ultra-sound. Loved it!!! This little guy is moving around a bunch and his big for how far along I am. We confirmed again...still a boy. From the measurements and things is is 4lbs and 12 oz. So that is 12 oz. more that what the norm is. This is so neat.....we had a great profile shot of him and he was swallowing and sticking out his tongue and things we saw it all, it was amazing how clear it all was. I could have sat and watched it forever. He has big lips-almost as if he was puckering, and HUGE checks! Just like Izzy did when she was born. So the date at the present time is Oct. 10thish. I have another ultrasound on the 9th and so the doc said that night or the next day. YIPPEE!!! Still looking like a big baby but with him coming over 2 weeks sooner than any of the other kids hopefully he wont be as big as what we are thinking he could be.
Maybe I should think about blogging more often like I used to instead of having these marathon things....but at the same when things happen I think that are really blog material and then later on I find myself rethinking it and adding a bunch at the same time.
2 years ago
Wow! You poor thing. I feel for you. I've incredibly anxious myself these days. But hey, you survived and so did the kids! You're not crazy, those things would drive most parents crazy with worry, although pregnancy might make it more intense, eh?
How great you got to see the little, I mean, BIG guy! Sounds like he'll nearly share a birthday with Tate.
Keep enjoying those popsicles!
I left out a word in my comment. I do that a lot these days. Meant to say I've been incredibly anxious myself these days. I'm sure you know what I meant.
Wow, it sounds like everything is going really well. I love how the things that us mothers go nuts about normally end up being nothing serious :)
popsicles can be pure heaven!! i always crave desserts like no totmmorow at the end of my preg. And the school stuff.... thankyou for going through before zi do!!! because I knwo that i am goign to think all the same stuff!!!
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