Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Just call me Sacajawea!

I had my 6 week post partum check up yesterday and normally I would not write about such a thing.....but....I found this funny, and I hope as readers you do too. Everything is great. I have the all clear to do anything that I want to. I really didn't expect it any other way....I have great deliveries. Even though this was the hardest, worst, or even weirdest one of them all, it really was a very easy delivery. I had post partum bed rest....but the delivery was easy compared to what have heard about others going through. So now for the funny....the doctor is down there doing is job and we are talking (yes talking...I think it helps things not feel so awkward, but now that I think about that maybe it is weird). My first doctor during my first post partum exam after Elaine said "Your body is meant for having babies." I took it as a compliment at first and then I got home and wondered what he really meant by that. I was explaining this to the doctor this time and he said "Yes, you really could go and squat down by the river and do just fine." The only think I can thing is WHAT!! Squat by the river!?!?! I was going laugh but I suddenly thought of my thighs jiggling as I did so. I did really think that it was funny. But come on...me....who has to be induced, and insists on having an epidural at the moment that I am allowed it? Why feel pain.... Squat by the river! Yeah right! I like nice clean hospital sheets.


Anonymous said...

I really enjoy reading your blog. What a hoot! Thank you for sharing.

I can see Heather Krenk squating by the river, but I never thought of you as the type to enjoy such a thing. There is a lot to be said for clean hospitals.

Have a wonderful day!!!

Love ya,
Billi Jo

the Jungsts and their youngsters said...

Okay, I'm laughing so hard right now. WHAT?!!! Squat down by the river?!!! Did this guy laught at himself saying this or is he a serious type? Too funny.

the Jungsts and their youngsters said...

I've had two females and one male doctor and NO ONE has ever said anything like that but I love it when people talk to me about other stuff during exams, takes the stress off.

Elizabeth Cranmer said...

I am with you on the hospital thing!! I don't want to have a baby anywhere else. I of course am also someone who needs to be induced even though my water breaks on it's own! I to have been told that I am made for haivng babies.....laughable!

But hey I am glad that i can!!