He got another text back....."I'm not your wife? What is your name? I don't know you?" I still think this is hilarious!!!!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Life is SWEET-again!
I haven't blogged for awhile...there has been so much stuff going on it and it wasn't all very good at all, so I figured I would wait until things improved or we had answers to the things that we were dealing with...then it would be good news and not weird leave you hang there news.
I am very excited to say WE SOLD THE HOUSE IN MICHIGAN!!!! We signed papers last Friday and the buyer is signed today!!! It still doesn't feel real to me, I guess the title company still has to wire money to our mortgage company tomorrow for everything to be complete....but all papers are signed! Twenty-two months has been way long. This was a really long month dealing with the old house when we first moved here.....Kris' work has a relocation company that was going to take care of closing cost, and then they didn't think that they could. About two weeks before closing they said they could take care of things again....and then a few days before closing they basically backed out and said that it would be easier for us just to pay for things up front and then we could get reimbursed...oh yeah coming up with all that money is easy! Well, it ended up working out, we didn't have to come to the table with as much money as we thought that we would so now Kris and I get to go away for a long weekend!!!! This basically be the first time since having kids! Our real Estate agent was so good...really went above and beyond what I would ever think one should do. If ever in MI and needing to buy or sell seriously you have to use her!
I mentioned awhile ago that Kris was having headaches...I finally talked him into going to to the doctor and he ordered a CT scan to rule out some things. CT scan results were normal, and the headache is subsiding. With everything thing going on I guess they were stress/tension headaches. Doc wants him to see a Chiropractor. Kris is way opposed to the idea. Anyone have any good or bad experiences with Chiropractors? If so I would love to hear them.
Izzy has been a crack up lately-I should really write them down as they happen, it might mean remembering more than one things when it is time to blog. She came downstairs from bed the other morning and had a sleepy attached to eyelash, real close to her lid. I told her close her eye so that I could get something out of it. She did, but then pushed my hand away and said "It's just my eye ball mom". With a total attitude of don't you know anything!
I feel horrible...I really do hate being pregnant...I can't wait until the end. I am going nuts. I am sure that things are just normal pregnancy things but I don't recall any of my other pregnancies being this uncomfortable. My cow-I think this little guy is try to crawl out the bottom half of my stomach!
So here I am happy and sore!
Another funny. Kris just called from work and asked "You don't recognize your husbands own cell number?" Having no idea what he was talking about.....he explains ..... I guess he had tried text message me from work and got a message back saying "hi do I know you?" So Kris replies with "I'm your husband". Poor guy is so embarrased, once he figured it out and checked the phone number realizing that he really didn't text me....but instead someone else....I am still laughing out load at this. Someone got a love message tonight. I am tempted to call the number that he did text and appologize....too bad I think it is really too late to call.
Posted by Ranisa at 10:01 PM 2 comments
Monday, July 28, 2008
So I was Tagged!!! Thanks Missy-it really did make me feel loved!
Four random things I like about my husband:
I know these sound really random-but they are things that I really like...
1. He can do that half smile (any one who watched David Cook on American Idol knows about the half smile!)
2. He doesn't get mad when I over-spend and he gives me lots of time to do it!
3. He does the grilling-and I love things BBQed.
4. He lets me rant, and normally ends up letting me think that I am right. Even though I know he is laughing inside at how incredibly ridiculous I am being.
Four jobs I have had:
This is sad...all in this order too
1. receptionist at a hair place
2. Clerk turn secretary at LLUMC (hospital)
3. mom
4. Pampered Chef
Four movies I have watched more than once:
1. In third grade I watched Top Gun every day after school
2. Jungle Book -Thanks to Tyler-his favorite when a little one
3. Cars-Drew's once again found favorite
4. Sleeping Beauty-it was Elaine's fav for many many months when we lived in MI
I really don't watch many movies more than once. I don't often have the chance to watch one so if I have a few hours, I really don't want to see something that I have already seen-the unseen list is just way too long. I record too many TV shows.
Four TV shows I watch:
1. Hopkins-new found FAV
2. Law & Order reruns
3. Extreme Home Make-over (I love the reveal)
4. TLC shows: A Baby Story, Bringing Home Baby, Jon & Kate Plus 8, Untold Stories of the ER, Mystery Diagnosis....
Four places I have been:
I turned it into my FOUR FAVORITE places
1. San Diego
2. Canada-loved it!
3. Washington-still a place I love
4. home
Four people who email me regularly:
1. Kimra
2. Myspace-at least someone sends stuff there!
3. Karen Hay-Real Estate Agent for house in MI-I don't think I will hearing from her much longer!
4. Everyone from playgroup
Four of my favorite foods:
I had to change this one too....my favorite meals
1. Red Lobster-Salad w/ French dressing, and either Snow Crab Legs as the main dish or a combo thing with SCL in it, garlic mashed, with an appetizer of stuffed mushrooms and some kind of dessert
2. ANY good prime rib, with a baked potato, and seasoned green beans
3. my own Garlic Chicken, Red Potatoes, Green Bean Corn Casserole, with some kind of salad and dessert
4. I love all things from Cuca's. Who ever comes to visit next can you bring me some?!?! Pretty PLEASE!!!
Four places I would like to visit:
1. Europe (I am afraid to fly over the water)
2. A calm lake
3. This Bed and Breakfast that I saw online
4. Redlands, always nice to visit your hometown
Four things I am looking forward to in the coming year:
1. New baby
2. Having the MI house sold
3. getting the basement organized (I know true housewife!)
4. family coming to visit
Four People I tag:
1. Tiffany
2. Danielle
3. Terra
4. Elizabeth
Posted by Ranisa at 1:51 PM 2 comments
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Spider Update....
I ended up at Walmart and got a bug fogger thing that was supposed to kill spiders...Kris set it off right away and has seemed to do the trick. He drove the car to church this morning and to work this evening-so I don't think that he saw anymore spiders. Good thing too! I do think that he is still a bit freaked out, once we got to church he still had the hebbie-jebbies.
Just so that everyone knows the only reason that I got in the car with it that full of spiders was because they really were microscopic-like. I am willing to kill them and deal with them as long as they are not huge things. The first time I planted a garden I didn't know how far apart the Tomato plants needed to be and planted them too close-went out there one day and there was huge spider on one of the tomato's.....I didn't go into the garden the rest of the year. No I am not kidding, that spider scared me crazy. If I couldn't reach my veggie from the outside of the garden it didn't get picked.
Posted by Ranisa at 10:17 PM 6 comments
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Anyone want a spider infested Monte?
Kris hates spider.....I mean he is deathly afraid of spiders. I have a story about spiders from our Yucaipa house-if you haven't heard that one, let me know and I will share it too. This evening Kris went out to Taco Bell to get dinner for tonight. When he came home I was in the bathroom-he opens the door and turns around and asks "Do have anything crawling on my back?" I look, and say "Ah....no, why?" I think that he is blowing this way out of proportion. He tells me that there are spiders in his car and that he saw about 12 of them. Now that is a lot of spiders to be in a car. Knowing how how much these little things terrorize him I ask him if he would like me to drive his car to the car wash and have them clean it out really good, and make sure that they get all the spiders out. Of course that sounds like a great plan to him. So I get in the car....(does everyone know that I hate his car? It is a two-door Monte Carlo-very low, hard to get in and out of normally and when I am pregnant I basically refuse to go anywhere near it, yeah it is kind of a sore subject). The passenger side window has webs all over it. There are even webs coming down from the ceiling. The spiders hanging on all of the webs are so tiny that I think they are kind of cute. I mean tiny tiny tiny spiders. Maybe not even a few hours old. TINY spiders-itty bitty spiders, if they didn't shine in the sunlight I doubt you'd even be able to see them. I decide then that it might be a good idea to call the car wash and see if they are open, half way there I get the machine and they closed about an hour ago. BUT there is a self-car wash just down the street from the one that I was headed to. I think "Not a problem I can vacuum out some spiders". I check to see if I have change-just enough for the vacuum -$.50, 2 quarters. I pull up to the only vacuum that would be on the right side of the car hop out (I really didn't hop, more like hoist myself out) of the car. Plop the 2 quarters in and nothing happens. After pushing "return coin" button a few times I realize that the machine has eaten my money. No problem-there is a gas station right next door-grab my purse head over, take $20 from the ATM, buy a banana so that I can get change and explain why I need quarters. The cashier laughed. Start heading back to the car and realize that I can't find the keys. I look everywhere, I think that it took me at least 5 minutes just find the keys. I could look in my purse and hold the banana at the same time so I unwrap the banana, throw the peel away and stick the rest in my mouth and start digging with two hand. My purse really isn't that big-just big enough to hid Kris' keys real well. Find the keys get the door open again and a breeze blows by and the little spiders go breezing by-all over the place. At this point as long as they aren't in the car-no big deal there gone. Put another quarter in the machine and it starts up-I guess the vacuums are now $.75 and not $.50. I start vacuuming and counting (I think I got to 40 and stopped counting). I get most of the passenger side done and realize that I am going to have to crawl in the back seat. Many of you have been very nice and have told me that I am not big-thank you for your lies they really do make me feel better-but I still have trouble crawling into the back of the car. Also the car is BLACK-so it is getting hot and I have been bent over vacuuming the front of the car out. So I get in the back and vacuum away-laughing about this. I swear eveytime I though I got them all-a bunch more would come out. I never did figure out were they were coming from. I could just hear them "SEND OUT THE NEXT GROUP OF TROOPS!" There were so many-how many eggs can spiders lay at a time? I don't know the exact number but it is A LOT!!! It keeps getting hotter and hotter in the back-and the vacuum stops...climb back out, put 3 more quarters in and climb back in. I am just sure that I have gotten them all by this time. So I hang up the vacuum and head home-laughing the hole way. When I am about half way home, the next batch of troops was deployed and I just had laugh even harder. I explain all of this to Kris when I get home (he still has the shivers at this point) and he says that he is not driving his car again until I can promise him that the spiders are all gone-looks like we are trading in the Monte! No really he want me to go to Walmart and buy spider bombs. The sad thing is that I think he will be just afraid of the dead ones! Tomarrow he planned on coming home after the first hour of church to get some sleep before work-he doesn't know how he is going to get home now-he actually thinks that I am going to take him....
Posted by Ranisa at 7:01 PM 3 comments
Friday, July 18, 2008
Long time-catch up....
We have had a couple of exciting days...I know that there was stuff that happened last week but for some reason I can't remember it! Saturday we went to a surpise BD Party for my Aunt Pam's 50th! It was great seeing family that we don't see much and all of the kids had such a good time playing with all of their cousins. I of course forgot to bring the camera (again).
The next day my parents came in with two of their friends Tom and Jo. I enjoyed having company-as I always do. The pic above was taken when we had company one of the days that everyone was here. I have no idea what is going on the picture but obviously Kris was kind of surprised about something that was said. I would have more pictures but I of course didn't get out the camera and this happen to be one that my Uncle Carl sent me. Thanks Uncle Carl!!!
Onto to an even more exciting event-Tyler is back in North Carolina. I love the pic of him, so I copied it from Myspace. It seems that most Wendtlands can do the eyebrow thing. Anyone that hasn't seen him awhile-he looks so old to me all the sudden. Not old as in old foggy old, but just not my little brother anymore...growing up. So MANLY, which is so weird to me. I really wish that someone could have been there for him when he got off the plane, I really do hope that he wasn't the only one without someone there, not that I wish that on someone else, but just that he wouldn't be the only.
So I am coming along-almost 7 months-I think. I am beginning to lose track, and that is a first for me. I am feeling huge, and lumpy-from the looks of the picture. We still can't think of a name. We really like Evan. Evan Kristopher. Well Kris did not like at first and I was so stuck on it and it does have a family history to go along with it,so he agreed to it, but I am not completely settled on it. I keep getting this itch that it needs to be O name or our little guy will feel out. We do like Olin too. Two L's or one L? Is it too weird? Please let me know, I am really going crazy over this name thing-just like I do with each pregnancy. I do like Olson, but I don't think Kris does. I am going to have to ask him again.... I would really hate to pick a name just because it was alright and we really couldn't agree on anything else-how sad would that be.
Posted by Ranisa at 11:54 AM 5 comments
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Love quilts
Posted by Ranisa at 10:26 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Going Nuts!!!
As many of you know I love to bake AND I like to add nuts to just about everything. Almost everything is better tasting with a bit of a crunch to it. I do prefer pecans. When Kris and I got married I got a bunch of hand-me-down kitchen stuff. I loved it!!!! Really needed it too. Anyhow I think that it was Aunt Donna-she had placed a nut chopper in pile. I loved it!!! I can't say enough about it. It is so nice to have each nut chopped relativily the same size. When the nut chopper broke I didn't think that it was that big of a deal, I just thought that I would go out and buy a new one. They don't exist!!! Or so I thought. I have been on the hunt for eight years!!! I do have one of the Pampered Chef Chopper and I do really really love that too, but not for nuts. When you use it some of the nuts get chopped up into a fine powder and others stay huge, I know rediculous of me to find that an issue, but I do-a BIG issue too. I can't believe that I found the same style of nut chopper! I am so excited, can you tell by all the explination points that I am using. I just can't contain myself, I am doing the happy dance-inside of course, because I don't want to fall off from the chair!! I really really do high suggest getting this nut chopper- if you are a nut fan like myself.
Posted by Ranisa at 2:44 PM 4 comments
Sunday, July 6, 2008
4th of July Weekend
It started on the 3rd of July when we went up to Newville and had dinner at the camp ground with....Uncle Brian, Aunt Dawn, her daughter-in-law Karrie with her 2 kids Steven and Ava. We also went and got Grandma. Dinner was great. The kids loved the campground it was perfect weather and we enjoyed the company. I of course forgot the camera!!! I just new that when I started blogging I would have a hard time remembering it! So please email pics Aunt Dawn! Anyone know the best way to get campfire smell out of your hair? I love the smell of a campfire just not in my hair. I have washed it twice and when I use the straightener on it, it still smells of campfire.
The next day we woke up and left for Chicago! I was really looking forward to it, we started off with lunch at Giordano's Pizza for lunch. Where we met up with Grandma Judy, Grandpa Phil and one of Kris' sister, Karen and her family. Recently I have been wanting to try authentic Chicago stuffed pizza. I must say I did enjoy it. It was nice to see family too. We don't get to spend much time with them.
Then off to Chicago. We checked into the hotel early where Kris tried to catch a quick nap-but I was so excited who wants to sit in a hotel in Chicago when you have the city to go and see. So we started off and just went to a few stores on the way to Navy Pier. We check out the things on the Pier and had dinner. It was nice, Izzy even feel asleep in the stroller and completely missed dinner and some of the stuff along the Pier. We made sure that we picked out spot on the grass to watch the fireworks nice and early. We even brought snacks, and a bunch of games type things for the kids to play while we were waiting. Since we just didn't see the need to bring the chairs along as we were shopping before hand I took a cab back to the hotel to get the chairs and take a potty break. OH MY COW!!! I don't know what I expected from a Chicago cab driver, but it wasn't the cab driver that himself but the way that they drive-like crazy and I am one who gets very car sick! Is this all cab drivers or just Chicago ones? Mad Cabbies! I about bulleted from the Cab when it got back to the hotel. I was so excited to be able to change my shoes-walking around Chicago is not the place to break in a pair of Rainbow Sandals. Tiff said they were comfy but I am still trying to buy into that one. To make the long story a little shorter-no cab driver wanted to drive back to Pier because it was so crowded- by the time I got to the Pier I had to pee AGAIN!!! and bathrooms are scarce on the Pier with an 1 hour wait!!! By the time the 10 minute (yes 10 minute!) firework show ended I was ready for a mad cab ride back to the hotel but I decided to walk.....not fun. I think I have the hips of an 80 year old right now. I was so so so so happy to have comfy hotel beds. I slept well even though I don't think anyone else did. Anything that we had hopes of doing the next day got quickly thrown out the window-I can't believe how my body is when I am pregnant, there was just no way that I was walking anywhere. We stopped at Garrett's and got popcorn then had lunch on the way home... Needless to say I had wanted to going to Chicago kindof a yearly 4th of July thing, and who know I might change my mind but it really was insane and at this time I really don't want to go back .... a couple hundred bucks for a 10 minute fireworks show....not again.
...and since you are all dying to know.... I don't feel any different now that I am officially 30! I really thought that I should have been struck with some sense of wisdom or I would feel like was an actual adult maybe gained a bit of maturity or something. Overall turning 30 was a big disappointment....can you believe that Kris even forgot to get his own card....on his defence he has been a bit sick....but still.... On Thursday night he got a sudden, sevre headache. Really really weird for him. It has been coming and going all weekend.... nothing normal about it. If it doesn't go away soon I really want him to get to the Doctors.
Posted by Ranisa at 2:02 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Work Family Fun Fair
Drew and his Fluff.
Drew and the slide.
Thanks to all who sent messages and phone calls to see how Kris' mom is doing. I did say that I would add an update. We went down Monday of last week to visit, and she really is doing great. She is off work until she goes back to see the doctor on the 10th, and then he will determine if she needs farther down time. I am sure that she is more than ready to get back to work instead of staying home with Phil while he is working on the house. They are meeting us in Chicago with Kris' sister Karen and her family for lunch on the 4th. I am looking forward to having two days in Chicago. I am not sure how it is going to be with all three kids and all that walking to do. We did manage to get a hotel close to the lake and Navy Pier just so that I wouldn't have to do a bunch of walking. I can handle just a bit at this point. Yes, I really am a very lazy pregnant lady.
Posted by Ranisa at 6:09 PM 3 comments